Refer to the Part Printing Guidelines section of the official assembly manual for general print settings. For the latest part files, visit the Voron Github repository. If you do not have the means to print your own parts in ABS, the Voron Print It Forward program is a great option to obtain the parts at a very reasonable cost. If you do plan on printing the parts, refer to the following directions for LDO kit specific options:
- Purple - These are not optional and must be printed for our kit to work.
- Blue - These are optional parts/changes that improve fit, appearance, or quality of life.
- Stealthburner Toolhead - Our kit ships with parts to make the Stealthburner + Clockwork 2 toolhead, print the stealthburner and clockwork 2 parts here. We also provide a two piece toolhead PCB to aid in wiring, print the PCB spacer here and use the cable door designed for an external chamber thermistor instead of the standard cable_door.
- Nozzle Probe - Our kit includes a Z endstop PCB for better modularity, use this part instead.
- Cable Chain Parts - Our cable chain ends use the 2 hole configuration. When printing parts that interface with cable chains, always use the 2hole version instead of 3hole version (e.g. xy_joint_cable_bridge_2hole instead of xy_joint_cable_bridge_3hole)
- Plug Panel - Our kits ship with 1.2mm AC inlets with integrated switches. Use this part instead which is better adapted for 1.2mm inlets than the original power_inlet_adamstech.
- Z Cable Anchor - The LDO deck panel has a Z cable opening that is in a slightly different position than the original z_cable_chain_mount_2hole. Use this part to match up with the different hole position.
- Deck Wire Cover - The LDO deck panel has a larger rear right opening to fit larger connectors, use this part instead of the original wire_cover_right to cover the larger opening which should be attached after wiring is complete. Note that wire_cover_left is unchanged.
- XY Endstop - Our kit includes the XY microswitch PCB, print [a]_endstop_pod_D2F_switch.stl instead of [a]_endstop_pod_hall_effect. Also, [a]_y_endstop_housing is not needed.
- Breakout PCB Mount - This part works with the toolhead breakout PCB. Use 4 M2x10 self-tapping screws to attach the PCB to the part. Also print a DIN clip to mount onto the DIN rail.
- Controller Mount - Our rev. A kits ship with the BigTreeTech Octopus V1.1 controllers, the corresponding pcb mount can be found in the here, don't forget to also print two DIN clips.
- Beefy Raspberry Pi Mount - this optional Raspberry Pi mount uses two DIN clips instead of one for an extra secure grip on the DIN rails. Tip: if you find it difficult to insert the USB/Ethernet cables due to a lack of space, try rotating the RPi in relation to its mount.
- Deck Support - The LDO deck panel has a 4mm nominal thickness, use deck_support_4mm instead of its 3mm counterpart. 12 pieces are needed, if you follow our 250 wiring guide.
- Heatbed Wiring Mount - Print this part to mount the WAGO terminals and PCB, which are used to breakout the heatpad power and thermistor cables.
- Touch Screen Mount - For Trident Batch 1 users who received the Waveshare touchscreen, print this mod to install your touchscreen display. For all other users, you should have received the BigTreeTech touchscreen, print the mount from here. Do not print the mini12864 parts under STLs/Skirt.
- LED/Fan Splitter Spacer - We include two 3x2 XH splicing PCBs. which are used to join two LED strips or two fans into a single cable. print two of these to mount the PCB to a 2020 extrusion.
- LED Light Clip - The included LED light strips can be mounted using these bar clips by eddie. In total, you will need 36 or 42 clips for Trident 250 and 300 respectively.
- Handlebar Spacer - This optional part offsets the top panel thickness and helps mount the included aluminum handlebar. Mount with M5x14 screws.
- LDO Insert - Show some LDO love and print this optional insert that can be installed into the skirts on your machine.
- Klicky Probe - We include parts for the optional Klicky probe mod by jlas1, check out more info on the mod here.
- Nevermore Filter - Our Rev.A kits include parts to build a Nevermore Micro V5 by 0dsk4. print the version which uses 3x6 magnets. If you decide to build the Nevermore filter, print this exhaust cover with the stock exhaust grill to seal the back panel.
- Purge Bucket - Our kit includes a brass brush which you can convert into automated nozzle scrubber using this mod. Our build plate is slightly taller than standard so modified sheet stop files can be printed here.