Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Let us first prepare the cable chain and cables for installation. Note that the cable chain contains two different ends. The longer end can bend both ways, whereas the shorter end can only bend one way. You will want to attach the longer end to the Kirigami bed frame and attach the other shorter end to the printer frame.
Now detach both ends of the cable chain and install them to their respective locations (You may have already done this by following the official Voron manual).
If you didn’t follow the manual and preinstall the chain ends; or if you installed them incorrectly, don’t worry. The Kirigami bed frame makes it very easy to install/uninstall the cable chain. We also provide this mod that provides attachment points for the cable chain inside the skirts.
Before proceeding, now is a good time to check the length of the cable chain. Move the kirigami all the way to the top and attach the cable chain to its two ends. Add extra lengths as needed, if the chain is too short. Conversely, you should also check if the chain is too long. No part of the chain should be above the horizontal extrusion, see photo below:
With the ends detached, we will now run the bed cables through the cable chain. There are three cables:
Note that both the neopixel and bed thermistor have their plastic connector housing removed on one side, Do NOT install the housing yet! This is done so that you can easily run the cables through the cable chain.
Note that we have labelled the ends of cables and cable chain with A and B. Our goal is to run the cables through so that all A ends of the cables are at the A end of the cable chain and vice versa. We recommend running the cables in this order:
With all the cables run through the cable chain. We can now install the connector housing to the thermistor cable and Neopixel cable:
We can now attach the chain to the pre-installed chain end on the Kirigami. Next, we will install the cable ends to their respective locations. Refer to the photos below
Finally, we can finish wiring by connecting the heater leads and thermistor of the heatbed to the kirigami frame